» Large Factory and Office Builds

» Warehouses

» Shop Fit outs

» Labour Only Contracts

» Charge Up Contracts

» Mezzanine Construction

» Barn Construction

» Kindergarten Construction

» Conversions

» Freezer Panel Construction

» Precast Construction.











At ST Workforce Construction we are passionate about delivering an excellent product and have a high quality of expectations for both our staff and trades to achieve the best possible results. We have a full quality assurance system in place to ensure this is achieved.


Construction Manager (Co Director)

26 Years in the construction sector and trade qualified, with 18 of those years as a Construction Manager working on various projects valued up to 35 Million dollars. Brett has an extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of construction and is LBP Registered.


Brett over the years has been responsible and involved with such requirements as the following; Programming, Panel Construction, Pre Tensioned Floors, Steel Construction, Various Cladding and Cavity Systems, Organising and Implementing full Health and Safety documents and Policies, 2 years Health and Safety Officer, Foundation Works, Organizing and implementing sub trades and our own construction staff to make sure results are delivered and achieved.


Has a good understanding and is quick to resource and think on his feet and outside the square when required.


Worked for the likes of Fletcher Construction 4 yrs.


service, Hawkins Construction 2 yrs. Service, Canam Construction 10 yrs. service, Q Construction 10 yrs. Service all in various roles and responsibilities.

Operations Manager

Richelle is well versed in the management of staff and has had experience in projects and design builds. Her key roles include building and maintaining relationships with both staff and Clients. Previous experience in account management with a large portfolio of over 300 clients throughout New Zealand at one time and working with high pressure deadlines.


Key roles

• Hiring Staff. The recruitment process involves a 15-page interview of candidate assessments, and a pre-employment background checks and drug tests. The process is designed to ensure that the best hiring decision is made for both the Company and the client.


• Managing staff. Important management duties include hiring, firing, training, disciplining and conflict resolution. Keeping industrious workers means offering competitive pay, benefits and incentives in addition to promptly addressing concerns and providing a safe work environment.


• Work closely with the various project teams and provides operational and scheduling support to ensure projects run smoothly. Project teams function at a very fast pace, making communication, multi-tasking and organization crucial for both project and Company success.


• Working together with project managers and site managers to make sure there is efficient allocation of resources.


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